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This work is supported by the NIH CONNECTS Program through grants UM1NS132250 and U01NS132158 and developed by a team of scientists. William Gray-Roncal at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory is the lead for the Plan for Enhancing Diverse Perspectives for these efforts.

The BRAIN Initiative Connectivity Across Scales (BRAIN CONNECTS) program aims to develop the research capacity and technical capabilities to generate wiring diagrams that can span entire brains across multiple scales.

BRAIN CONNECTS is one of three NIH BRAIN Initiative transformative projects outlined in The BRAIN Initiative® 2.0: From Cells to Circuits, Toward Cures report. Together with the BRAIN Initiative Cell Atlas Network (BICAN) and the Armamentarium for Precision Brain Cell Access, these large-scale projects promise to transform neuroscience research, illuminating foundational principles governing the circuit basis of behavior and informing new approaches to the treatment of human brain disorders.


“A trailblazing student is someone who pioneers new paths, ideas, or initiatives within their academic environment or beyond. They are innovative, adventurous, determined, and willing to take risks to explore uncharted territories. These students may be known for their leadership, creativity, and ability to think outside the box. We particularly seek those with the combination of high potential and opportunity gaps, who are seeking mentoring and support to become an engineer or scientist. Examples include, but are not limited to, those from first-generation or low-income backgrounds; those historically marginalized in STEM, and those who do not have mentors to explain the “unwritten rules” of science.

Trailblazing students often leave a lasting impact on their schools, communities, or fields of study by introducing new concepts, technologies, or methodologies.

Trailblazers inspire others to follow in their footsteps.”

William Gray-Roncal, PhD, Project Lead